3 Edible Weeds Every Prepper Should Know for When SHTF

You may be surprised to know that for the most part… we are surrounded by free food. Our lawns are teaming with edible weeds that can be found virtually anywhere in the world. In this post, we highlight the 3 most commonly found/known edible weeds. Post collapse, it’s going to be essential that you’re educated in foraging food from your environment and making the most from what you have. Aside from these 3 edible weeds, there are hundreds more and you should spend the time researching the ones most common to your region.

Foraging herbs and weeds post collapse

Found almost everywhere across North America, this plant is an easy go-to for the prepper requiring sustenance. It’s most often found in open grassy areas and can be easily identified by it’s trefoil leaflets. Both the blossoms and leaves can be eaten raw but many prefer to boil it first. Word of caution though, clover should be avoided by pregnant woman and should not make the bulk of ones diet over a long period of time due to it’s effect on hormones.

Not to be confused by the the Banana Shaped Plantain. Plantain plants can be found pretty much anywhere in the world and are most common in wet areas like bogs, marshes, and fields with poor drainage. The leaves can be eaten raw but they tend to get very bitter as they mature (which can be improved by boiling). Plantain plants are very high in Vitamin A, and Calcium. Also, the stems should be avoided.

One of the most easily recognized and “pervasive” weeds in North America. They are the scourge of lawn perfectionist, but also one of the best food sources to a well-knowledged survivalist.  Dandelions are loaded with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Beta Carotene. Every part of the plant can be used but will require different preparations. Young leaves can be eaten raw, the mature leaves should be boiled (for better taste), the flowers can be used to make an excellent wine, and the roots should be boiled before eaten. The water remaining after boiling the plant can also be drank as a tea.