Urban Survival Guide to Water

Water (second to oxygen) is our most important nutrient during a survival situation, especially in hot areas where you’d rapidly lose water due to perspiration. Our bodies (depending on environment) can survive a maximum of roughly three days without the intake of water. This is assuming you’re at sea level with a moderate room temperature and a relative humidity. A typical person will lose about 2 to 3 liters of water per day in normal conditions but depending on the size of the person, physical exertion and temperature they could lose much more. If you were to factor in the conditions usually found in a survival or disaster situation, you could be losing as much as 4 to 6 liters! Cold and hot environments both significantly effect your survivability and you’re water intake will have to be increased.

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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Chemical Threat

If your community comes under attack from chemical weapons, a pre-made emergency urban survival plan may save valuable time and therefore your life post SHTF. In this day of the Boston Bombings and 911 Attacks, many experts wonder if Chemical Threats are the next danger heading our way. These have the potential to be instantly fatal or perhaps have a more delayed reaction time of a few hours to a few days.

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