Regardless of how much food you’ve stored or how big your garden is, there’s always the possibility that you’ll have to leave your shelter and venture off into (or out of) the city. The city environment may become violent, hostile and dangerous areas and so how you get around is of utmost importance. This article will cover everything you’ll need to know when it comes to an evacuation and being a refugee.
Considerations to Bugging Out When SHTF
Suppose SHTF, and the city is turning into a hell hole. It’s the disaster of the century and you happen to be stuck right in the middle it. Looting is rampant, the infrastructure has entirely collapsed and supplies are running low. You see violence picking up as people start to fight over resources. You figure there’s a way out so you find a way to safely get past the gang led roadblocks. So you steal a nice 4×4 and you siphon enough gas to make it 100 miles out of the city. This is what a survivalist calls “Bugging Out”.
Survival Psychology and the Will to Survive
There have been many cases of people surviving in the most desperate of circumstances who’ve never been prepared, or even given a thought to the prospect of being in such a situation, while others with extensive preparedness knowledge and training have failed to take advantage of their skills and perished. Continue reading “Survival Psychology and the Will to Survive”