Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Nuclear Meltdown or Nuclear Power Plant Emergency

The partial nuclear meltdown in Fukushima has made it very clear that nuclear facilities are NOT 100% safe. Approximately 3 million people within the USA live within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant and if you’re one of them, it would be wise to make preparations for the small chance that you may one day experience a nuclear emergency. Please consider that in the event of a global catastrophe, or large nationwide disaster that the resources used to maintain nuclear facilities will be at jeopardy, which could lead to complete meltdowns of facilities. If you’re an urban survivalist preparing for a TEOTWAWKI event, you must consider that there are over 400 nuclear power plants on the planet and therefore protecting you and your family from radiation should be a top priority.

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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive an Earthquake

So what is an Earthquake?
An earthquake is one of natures most destructive phenomena, it can strike at any time without warning. It may never happen in your life time, or it can occur right now while reading this article. Earthquakes are the result of friction from tectonic plates as they shift and release tension along their fault lines. Earthquakes can happen anywhere in the world but are most common along the edges of the Pacific ocean. If you live along the coast of the Pacific Ocean it would be wise to plan and prepare a kit for an earthquake as the chances of it occurring in your locality is significantly higher.

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Urban Survival Short Term Bug Out Bag Checklist

Making a bug out bag? Perfect, because here’s a check list of items we recommend for your urban survival B.O.B. for a short term disaster (several weeks at most). Depending on where you live you’ll want to make some changes, for instance if you live in a dessert you might want to consider having a brimmed hat and a winter toque if you’re living up north. Depending on climate and what’s legal, this checklist will have to be modified to best suit your urban survivalist needs.

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Urban Survival EDC Checklist

The experts here at Urban Survival Network have come together to assemble this check list of items we recommend for your EDC. Depending on where you live you’ll want to make some changes, for instance if you live in a dessert you might want to consider having a brimmed hat or an extra water bottle on this list. Depending on climate and what’s legal, this checklist will have to be modified to best suit your urban survival needs.

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