How to Start an Emergency Food Storage Supply

You never know when the next disaster may strike. Because of this you need to always be prepared for a disaster – whether it is man made or natural. One of the first things you should began preparing is a sufficient emergency food supply. During and after disasters, local stores may be out of stock of food and/or water. This can easily happen, especially if communication and transportation is severely affected due to damages from the disaster. Before any disaster such as hurricanes take place, you must have an adequate supply of food in your house.

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Top 5 Guns For Surviving The Collapse of Society

GUNS, GUNS, GUNS! Do we really have to tell you why guns are important for surviving a SHTF situation? Hopefully not. The only difficult question to answer is what kind of guns should you get? Well fortunately we’ve done the work for you and narrowed it down to 5 firearms that cover all the needs you would have in an apocalyptic urban survival situation.

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Surviving the Collapse of our Nations Vulnerable/Fragile Food Supply Chain

If you examine the current food production situation in America, you will find that only about 1% of the population produces the food for the other 99% of the people. This is alarming since virtually the entire population does not know how to grow their own food and they have no notion about where their food is grown and produced or how it gets to their supermarket.

A great deal of American food is derived from grain or from grain fed animals. Grain is grown in a concentrated geographical area (the Midwest), and is transported to both coastal regions via only two vulnerable railroad lines.

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The Best Survival Knife Guide

A survival knife is a reliable, durable, and multi-purpose tool that can be used in a variety of ways to aid in your survival. Either to cut flesh, shape various materials, or pry things open, a quality survival knife can accomplish most tasks. It’s important to note before we delve into the details that there is no “Best Survival knife” as it all depends on your environment and where you’re most likely to find yourself when SHTF. For instance, the air force will issue pilots with an ASEK or “Aircrew Survival Egress Knife” which usually features a saw on the spine of the blade to cut through thin aircraft skin and acrylic glass. The Army on the other hand will issue survival knives with a flat spine for batoning through firewood. If you’re tight on space and require concealment, you may want to consider a folding knife but that comes at the expense of being less durable. As you can see, there’s a lot to consider when purchasing a survival knife.

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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Tsunami

Tsunamis can potentially occur on any shoreline of the United States, and it is therefore critical that if you live near a coastline that you prepare an emergency urban survival kit and plan in advance.  Tsunamis are very large waves that can be hundreds of feet high, caused by seismic activity or earthquakes under the sea.  There may be very little warning or perhaps no warning at all.  So having an emergency urban survival guide ready in advance will save valuable minutes and perhaps save your life.

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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD)

A Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD) is also known as a “dirty bomb” or a “dirty nuke”, and if one goes off in your home town, you will want to have an emergency urban survival plan in place to protect you and your loved ones. An RDD is a form of explosive device that not only results in a deadly blast, but it is also packed with other radioactive materials that are spewed throughout the blasting radius.

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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Nuclear Attack

In the event of a Nuclear Attack, a properly stocked emergency urban survival kit with NBC gear plus a good understanding of nuclear weapons and their effects may be the only thing that saves your life.  In these times of political uncertainty, recent events such as the 911 Attacks on New York and the bombing at the Boston Marathon are driving home the point that nuclear attacks are becoming an ever increasing possibility. There’s also the threat of Iran and it’s volatile leadership.

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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Cyber-Attack

We often don’t realize how much our global economy is tied into the internet and how incredibly vulnerable it is to Cyber Attacks, but by understanding the potential dangers of this threat and having a solid emergency urban survival plan in case of such occurrences, you should be able to ride out the storm until systems get back online. Cyber security has been an ongoing concern for governmental officials since the late 1990’s. With your own personal emergency urban survival kit made and ready to use at any time, you will be far less effected by the possible negative consequences. We can’t stress enough how important it is to have a basic BOB (bug out bag) along with a solid plan and understanding of the potential threats.

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Blade Types and Edges That Every Prepper Should Know

Every blade type has it’s purpose, they all have advantages and disadvantages. It’s important that you become familiar with the blade types so that you can better utilize them when SHTF. For the beginner urban survivalists, blade types aren’t as critical but if you’re planning for the long term and expect society to collapse and never come back…. invest in a variety of quality blades to better deal with the jobs required in an urban survival situation.

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