Cold Weather Survival Clothing

You’ll always want to be prepared with proper clothing to suit the environment you’re in. When it comes to cold weather, knowing what to wear can become a science. For most of us, we’ve learned to survive through trial, error and observation. We’ve observed others that were successful and emulated their practices to learn from them. In regards to staying warm we see what others are wearing and observe their choice of styles, fabrics and brands. We emulate others and modify their choices to suit our taste and experience. But in order to maximize the benefits of your survival clothing you’ll want to know the actual physics and mechanics of heat transfer and learn to apply these concepts to how you dress. Continue reading “Cold Weather Survival Clothing”

Staying Warm Post SHTF and Understanding Heat Loss

In cold temperatures the body burns extra calories to keep your body warm. Survival is all about energy expenditure, if you maintain a healthy internal temperature you conserve energy and you’ll be able to use that energy for more practical activities. Survivors must do their best to conserve as much energy as possible while still doing what’s necessary to survive. If you over exert yourself, you’ll lose calories (energy) and sweat which can eventually lead to chilling. If you become too cold, your body and mind will not function properly. In a cold weather environment you body temperature is every thing. Keep this in mind.

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Civil Unrest and the Collapse of Society

Many experts believe that an urban environment is the worst place to be when a disaster hits and rightfully so, but many of us have no choice but to stay in the city. The majority of people don’t have wilderness retreats for when shit hits the fan. Most people will be stuck in a city with a million other people all fighting for survival. Despite the problems that will arise, there are solutions.

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3 Edible Weeds Every Prepper Should Know for When SHTF

You may be surprised to know that for the most part… we are surrounded by free food. Our lawns are teaming with edible weeds that can be found virtually anywhere in the world. In this post, we highlight the 3 most commonly found/known edible weeds. Post collapse, it’s going to be essential that you’re educated in foraging food from your environment and making the most from what you have. Aside from these 3 edible weeds, there are hundreds more and you should spend the time researching the ones most common to your region.

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An Essential Element of Prepping – Refraining from the unnecessary

It comes from our media outlets. We see advertisements on television, the internet, on billboards, and nearly every other place we can think of. Each of these advertisement’s main goal is to get you to buy their product. Buy this new smartphone that can do everything that phone does and much more, buy from this restaurant because you’ll get a much better deal than going there, we’ve got the deal of the century here, and it goes on and on. Being saddled with so many possible ways to spend your hard-earned money, it can be tough to filter through the things you need as opposed to the things you want. Spending money on wants is as addictive as any drug. Eventually you’ll be buried in a deep pile of debt. Avoiding the temptation of spending your money is a learned skill. Here is how you can teach yourself to do it.

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Making Prepping a Family Affair

At its core, being a Prepper is about two things; independence and safety. Each requires specific skill sets, knowledge, and training. If you are a parent then you have the additional responsibility of imparting that knowledge to your children. It stands to reason then that prepping should be a family affair from day one. The family is a team with strong ties, which can be leveraged for better or worse in an emergency situation.

The following guidelines should get you started.

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Extreme Weather and the Coming Explosion in Food Prices

Here at, we throw the term Shit Hit the Fan and the accompanying scenarios around a lot. The image of a sloppy turd hitting a fan and spraying everyone is a great analogy for various scenarios. The problem with this is that it fails to bring to mind scenarios that take time to develop, such as the gradual erosion/depletion of high quality top soils. What if a SHTF scenario has been developing all along and we have been either too busy or too blind to see it.

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10 Common Prepping Mistakes Every Survivalist Should Avoid

Despite the fact that we as a species have been surviving since the beginning of time and have encountered unfathomable disasters, there’s still no clear and concise method/approach/guide to prepping that takes into account all the possible scenarios. The world of prepping as we currently know it is still in it’s infancy and it has a long way to go before we create a perfect system for not only implementing into our own lives, but also teaching to others. Because there’s no clear guide to prepping, many of us preppers have to go through a life long learning process of trial and error to figure out the best methods for survival, along the way we’ll make mistakes and overlook many possibilities. In this article I want to go over 10 of the more common mistakes that we as preppers may have overlooked.

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The Million Dollar Survival Kit

So this kit isn’t exactly a million dollars, it’s probably more in the region of about $100k! In either case, we believe this has everything you need to survive the collapse of America and all the turmoil that will surely follow. Is there anything that you would add? or remove? We realize this is somewhat tongue and cheek but we’re certain you’ll be able to find a few good ideas in here, enjoy!

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