How to Survive Common Environmental Injuries

The following conditions are common medical issues that people face after a disaster. It’s important that if you want to survive these easily treatable conditions that you get at least a basic understanding of the symptoms and know how to treat them. Keep in mind that we are not doctors and following the advice given is done at your own risk. These methods have worked for others though and are common treatments in many parts of the world (especially where/when modern medicine isn’t readily available.

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Dealing with Common Medical Emergencies when SHTF

The first rule in any of these commonly occurring situations described is to remain calm, reassure the victim and try to keep them quiet and under control. Then examine the victim as quickly as possible, looking for the cause of the distress. Follow the rules of first aid and begin by examining the victim’s breathing and air passage but remember, the reason you need to be quick is that death might come from a bleeding artery sooner than from a blocked air passage, and you need to be open to all possibilities.

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Hunting Animals in the City Post SHTF

The most important thing to know is which animals are poisonous; since there are only a small number in that group, it is easier to commit that list to memory than to try and memorize all the edible animals. Animal size is a consideration and in general, smaller animals are a much better bet than large wild game, not only because the smaller ones are easy to prepare, but also because there are more of them in the city. It is important to know the characteristics and typical behaviors of various kinds of animals. Some questions you’ll want to ask yourself when hunting are:

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FEMA Search and Rescue Markings

The FEMA X code marking system has been incredibly successful since it was widely used in Hurricane Katrina. It’s been adopted by most agencies and departments across the united states so you’ll be sure to see these post disaster. Unfortunately, there is no universally accepted list of abbreviations so you’ll have to use your brain and think about what you’re seeing as it may not be immediately obvious.

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Top Freeze Dried Survival Food Brand Reviews

Freeze dried foods are perfect for any type of emergency. Whether for life threatening emergencies, or when you just need to prepare a quick meal for surprise guests, you will surely have something easy to prepare and eat in such situations.

Freeze dried food and survival food are foods that have undergone a special preservation process which involves removing all its moisture content which will extend its shelf life for few months up to many years. This process of preservation can be dated back to ancient times but is done today with modern equipment.

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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Volcanic Eruption

If you live in an area like Hawaii, Alaska or Washington State, you might want to consider the importance of a well stocked emergency BOB and a solid plan in the event of a Volcanic Eruption.  These massive openings on the earth’s surface can erupt at a moment’s notice and cause death and destruction to everything in their path.

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How to Start an Emergency Food Storage Supply

You never know when the next disaster may strike. Because of this you need to always be prepared for a disaster – whether it is man made or natural. One of the first things you should began preparing is a sufficient emergency food supply. During and after disasters, local stores may be out of stock of food and/or water. This can easily happen, especially if communication and transportation is severely affected due to damages from the disaster. Before any disaster such as hurricanes take place, you must have an adequate supply of food in your house.

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Top 5 Guns For Surviving The Collapse of Society

GUNS, GUNS, GUNS! Do we really have to tell you why guns are important for surviving a SHTF situation? Hopefully not. The only difficult question to answer is what kind of guns should you get? Well fortunately we’ve done the work for you and narrowed it down to 5 firearms that cover all the needs you would have in an apocalyptic urban survival situation.

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