Extreme Weather and the Coming Explosion in Food Prices

Here at UrbanSurvivalNetwork.com, we throw the term Shit Hit the Fan and the accompanying scenarios around a lot. The image of a sloppy turd hitting a fan and spraying everyone is a great analogy for various scenarios. The problem with this is that it fails to bring to mind scenarios that take time to develop, such as the gradual erosion/depletion of high quality top soils. What if a SHTF scenario has been developing all along and we have been either too busy or too blind to see it.

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10 Common Prepping Mistakes Every Survivalist Should Avoid

Despite the fact that we as a species have been surviving since the beginning of time and have encountered unfathomable disasters, there’s still no clear and concise method/approach/guide to prepping that takes into account all the possible scenarios. The world of prepping as we currently know it is still in it’s infancy and it has a long way to go before we create a perfect system for not only implementing into our own lives, but also teaching to others. Because there’s no clear guide to prepping, many of us preppers have to go through a life long learning process of trial and error to figure out the best methods for survival, along the way we’ll make mistakes and overlook many possibilities. In this article I want to go over 10 of the more common mistakes that we as preppers may have overlooked.

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Preparing and Storing Water Before SHTF

One of the most important and yet most neglected areas of emergency food storage is water! Most home emergency food storage theory and practices are heavily reliant on dried foods like rice, beans, wheat, freeze dried fruit or vegetables and powdered milk. If you live in an urban environment where water and rain is abundant you could get away with storing small amounts of water but will you have enough?
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5 Barter Items Every Prepper Should Stockpile Before SHTF

Even if you’re an advanced prepper, it’s very likely that there’s something you’re forgetting to stockpile. Post SHTF that item you forgot to get could mean life or death… or just cause a lot of misery. The whole purpose of having a stockpile of barter items is that you’ll be able to acquire that missing item through trade post SHTF if need be. Not only will the items below be useful for your own survival, but they’ll be items that will quickly disappear from the shelves of stores everywhere and so people will be in need of them. Some of these items can be expensive so be sure to only purchase these items while they’re on sale or you find a good deal on them.

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4 Daily Habits That will Make You a Better Urban Survivalist Prepper

Prepping can be time consuming, and expensive, so it’s important that you create a few small daily habits that will build up your stock of food, skills, and gear overtime. By incorporating the 4 habits listed below into your daily life, you’ll eventually (over time) become an extremely advanced urban survivalist. Slow and steady is the thinking behind these habits.

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Top 5 Self Defense Techniques For Hand To Hand Combat

As the coming collapse approaches, violence and crime will skyrocket throughout society, regardless of how affluent your community may be. As people become more and more desperate they’ll go to further lengths to acquire what they need to survive, even if that means hurting others. It’s human nature and there’s not much that can be done to change that. One thing we can do though to better survive in the coming violent world is too become proficient in combat which includes: knife fighting, firearms proficiency, unarmed combat, primitive weapon use and basic squad tactics. This article will cover the most efficient tactics for unarmed combat.

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Leatherman Multitool, the Ultimate Force Multiplier

Force Multiplier: “In military science, force multiplication or a force multiplier refers to a factor or a combination of factors that gives personnel or weapons (or other hardware) the ability to accomplish greater things than without it. The expected size increase required to have the same effectiveness without that advantage is the multiplication factor. For example, if a certain technology like GPS enables a force to accomplish the same results of a force five times as large but without GPS, then the multiplier is five. Such estimates are used to justify an investment cost for force multipliers.” – wikipedia
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Emergency Urban Survival Kit Essentials

A disaster can strike at any moment without warning and if you’re not prepared mentally/physically and with supplies… You and your families chances of survival are slim to none! Having an Emergency urban survival kit is essential as it will help mitigate the problems faced in a disaster situation. But what should your urban survival kit include? Fortunately, by talking to others who’ve survived through disasters… we have a good idea of what you’ll need.

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Preparing a Safe Room/Wind Shelter for Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Extreme Wind Storms

Although hurricanes and tornadoes are generally confined to certain parts of the globe, extreme wind storms can occur just about anywhere and pose a dangerous threat to buildings and our survival. Keep in mind that just because your home “appears” sturdy and is built to code it does not mean it can withstand the extreme wind associated with hurricanes and tornadoes. Having a safe room/wind shelter will provide the urban survival refuge and protection you’ll need for when shtf.  What makes an effective wind shelter though?

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The Importance of Urban Survival Caches

A Survival Cache is essentially a hidden storage for important survival gear/supplies that you can go to in the event that your home has been destroyed or you’re unable to get home for whatever reason. Caching your supplies is a highly recommended action for several reasons. Just as squirrels bury their nuts before winter to provide food in spring, you too can learn something from nature. Here are a few good reasons for caching:

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